-- Replaced \docType{package} with _PACKAGE as required by CRAN.
-- Corrected error-prone uses of class() == 'numeric'
with inherits()
-- Removed broken link from vignette.
-- Adjusted vignette to use TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene and org.Hs.eg.db conditionally.
-- Fixed bare returns without parentheses.
-- Updated 'Mega2RVersion' so that Mega2R will read databases produced by the current version of Mega2.
-- Mega2pedgene updated to work with updated version of pedgene.
-- Bug fix: The 'mkfam' function now correctly extracts the case/control trait when the database contains more than one phenotype. It worked correctly previously in our simple example data set where there was only one phenotype in the Mega2 database.
-- Mega2pedgene adjusted to allow specification of the trait name.
-- Improvements to use compressed data created by Mega2 version 5.0.0 or higher.
-- Removed strict dependency on GenABEL because GenABEL has been archived.